
As provided by the port reform law (L. 84/94) every year the Genoa Port Authority publishes the rates charged by every terminal for good handlings.

Cruise and Ferry Terminal
IMT Terminal Messina
Oil Terminal
Tariffe Porto Petroli 1-1-2025 ING.pdf
Safety and pollution prevention survey - Multedo Oil Terminal
PSA Genova Prà
San Giorgio Terminal
SECH Terminal


Many companies specialized in port services (pilotage, firefighting, towing, mooring, bunkering, and so on) operate in Genoa Port, and these services are essential for ships, that every year choose our Port. Their price is decided by a decree issued by Ministry or Port Authority or Harbor Office.

Anchorage Dues
TassaancoraggioING da 1-2-2025.pdf
Equalized forein States
Chemical Consultant
Mooring - Unmooring
Shipping Information Service
Social Insurance Fund for Ship Agents
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