The Region of Liguria asks for a Special Logistical Zone to be created for Genoa


The Region of Liguria asks for a Special Logistical Zone to be created for Genoa

During the meeting of the crisis unit held in the Region of Liguria on 30 August, the Regional Councillor for Economic Development, Andrea Benveduti, also anticipated a number of requests of an economic nature which have been submitted to the government.These include the proposed creation of a Special Logistical Zone linked to Genoa port, but which also comprises a larger part of the city and small and medium-size business and craftsmanship companies. Unlike the Special Economic Zone which at present is not provided for in Northern regions by the EU, feasibility of a Special Logistical Zone might prove faster. The proposals advanced by Councillor Benveduti include tax breaks, implementing a bonus for transportation of goods via railway, suspension of the DURC (the Italian social security contribution compliance form), exceptional voluntary redundancy for artisan and commercial MSMEs, investments in tangible and intangible logistics to improve movement of goods, streamlining port traffic with interventions on customs and phytosanitary checks, and reducing duties on energy products for vehicles operating in the port terminals as well as anchoring taxes.

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