Genoa Port Community meet with the Eu Coordinator Rihne- Alpine corridor after Morandi collpase


Genoa Port Community meet with the Eu Coordinator Rihne- Alpine corridor after Morandi collpase

Port Authority, local and central government and Genoa Port stakeholders meet with the EU coordinator Rhine-Alpine Corridor to discuss the aftermath of the collapsed Morandi bridge On 11 September Palazzo San Giorgio, headquarters of the Port Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea, hosted a summit meeting dedicated to the future developments of the Port of Genoa in the aftermath of the Morandi Bridge incident. Paolo Emilio Signorini, President of the Ports of Genoa, Pawel Wojciechowski, European Coordinator Rhine-Alpine Core Network Corridor on a two-day visit to the port, Mayor Marco Bucci, Vice-Minister of Transport Edoardo Rixi and senior management of the Genoa maritime cluster addressed the issues related to the recovery plan for the port.
The focal point of the discussion centred upon the revised port-logistic operational plan which the Port of Genoa Coordinating Board is currently implementing following the collapse of the Morandi viaduct and the subsequent disruption to the motorway and roadways, allied to the infrastructure investment programme which the Port Authority had already approved prior to the tragic August 14 incident.
The President of the Port Authority Paolo Signorini provides a brief outline of the meeting held with the EU Coordinator Pawel Wojciechowski.

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