Via della Superba: opening ceremony to inaugurate the heavy goods vehicles road


Via della Superba: opening ceremony to inaugurate the heavy goods vehicles road

The section going from San Benigno up Via Tea Benedetti, on the righthand side of the Polcevera River, and creating a route towards Bolzaneto, was immediately put into action. The coming hours will see the opening of the link continuing as far as the airport: the flyover accessing the motorway entrance onto the A10. This announcement was made by the authorities when the ribbon was cut (in the photograph, Admiral Nicola Carlone; Mayor Marco Bucci; Chairman of the Genoa-Savona ADSP Paolo Emilio Signorini; the President of the Region Giovanni Toti and the Commander of the Port Authority Domenico Napoli). 
The road crossing the Sampierdarena port area and the ILVA industrial zone will for the time being be accessed through an opening in Via Siffredi, until such time as the Via Avieri d’Italia flyover has been made safe. It is estimated that approximately five hundred heavy goods vehicles will be able to travel on the new connection each day.
The ADSP’s next commitment is to create a customs facility which will allow heavy goods vehicles transporting international goods to transit there as well.

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